Smartcar Shield

An example of how to use the SmartCar functionality in order to perform a series of automated movements using the vehicle's HeadingSensor and Odometer capabilities.

#include <Smartcar.h>
const float carSpeed = 1.0;
const long distanceToTravel = 40;
const int degreesToTurn = 90;
ArduinoRuntime arduinoRuntime;
BrushedMotor leftMotor(arduinoRuntime, smartcarlib::pins::v2::leftMotorPins);
BrushedMotor rightMotor(arduinoRuntime, smartcarlib::pins::v2::rightMotorPins);
DifferentialControl control(leftMotor, rightMotor);
GY50 gyroscope(arduinoRuntime, 37);
const auto pulsesPerMeter = 600;
DirectionlessOdometer leftOdometer{ arduinoRuntime,
[]() { leftOdometer.update(); },
pulsesPerMeter };
DirectionlessOdometer rightOdometer{ arduinoRuntime,
[]() { rightOdometer.update(); },
pulsesPerMeter };
SmartCar car(arduinoRuntime, control, gyroscope, leftOdometer, rightOdometer);
Rotate the car at the specified degrees with the certain speed
@param degrees The degrees to turn. Positive values for clockwise
negative for counter-clockwise.
@param speed The speed to turn
void rotate(int degrees, float speed)
speed = smartcarlib::utils::getAbsolute(speed);
degrees %= 360; // Put degrees in a (-360,360) scale
if (degrees == 0)
if (degrees > 0)
const auto initialHeading = car.getHeading();
bool hasReachedTargetDegrees = false;
while (!hasReachedTargetDegrees)
auto currentHeading = car.getHeading();
if (degrees < 0 && currentHeading > initialHeading)
// If we are turning left and the current heading is larger than the
// initial one (e.g. started at 10 degrees and now we are at 350), we need to
// substract 360 so to eventually get a signed displacement from the initial heading
// (-20)
currentHeading -= 360;
else if (degrees > 0 && currentHeading < initialHeading)
// If we are turning right and the heading is smaller than the
// initial one (e.g. started at 350 degrees and now we are at 20), so to get a
// signed displacement (+30)
currentHeading += 360;
// Degrees turned so far is initial heading minus current (initial heading
// is at least 0 and at most 360. To handle the "edge" cases we substracted or added 360
// to currentHeading)
int degreesTurnedSoFar = initialHeading - currentHeading;
hasReachedTargetDegrees = smartcarlib::utils::getAbsolute(degreesTurnedSoFar)
>= smartcarlib::utils::getAbsolute(degrees);
Makes the car travel at the specified distance with a certain speed
@param centimeters How far to travel in centimeters, positive for
forward and negative values for backward
@param speed The speed to travel
void go(long centimeters, float speed)
if (centimeters == 0)
// Ensure the speed is towards the correct direction
speed = smartcarlib::utils::getAbsolute(speed) * ((centimeters < 0) ? -1 : 1);
long initialDistance = car.getDistance();
bool hasReachedTargetDistance = false;
while (!hasReachedTargetDistance)
auto currentDistance = car.getDistance();
auto travelledDistance = initialDistance > currentDistance
? initialDistance - currentDistance
: currentDistance - initialDistance;
= travelledDistance >= smartcarlib::utils::getAbsolute(centimeters);
void setup()
// Travel around an imaginary square
go(distanceToTravel, carSpeed);
rotate(degreesToTurn, carSpeed);
go(distanceToTravel, carSpeed);
rotate(degreesToTurn, carSpeed);
go(distanceToTravel, carSpeed);
rotate(degreesToTurn, carSpeed);
go(distanceToTravel, carSpeed);
rotate(degreesToTurn, carSpeed);
void loop()
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly: