#include <Smartcar.h>
const int carSpeed = 80; // 80% of the max speed
const int GYROSCOPE_OFFSET = 37;
ArduinoRuntime arduinoRuntime;
BrushedMotor leftMotor(arduinoRuntime, smartcarlib::pins::v2::leftMotorPins);
BrushedMotor rightMotor(arduinoRuntime, smartcarlib::pins::v2::rightMotorPins);
DifferentialControl control(leftMotor, rightMotor);
GY50 gyroscope(arduinoRuntime, GYROSCOPE_OFFSET);
HeadingCar car(control, gyroscope);
Rotate the car on spot at the specified degrees with the certain speed
@param degrees The degrees to rotate on spot. Positive values for clockwise
negative for counter-clockwise.
@param speed The speed to rotate
void rotateOnSpot(int targetDegrees, int speed)
speed = smartcarlib::utils::getAbsolute(speed);
targetDegrees %= 360; // put it on a (-360,360) scale
if (!targetDegrees)
return; // if the target degrees is 0, don't bother doing anything
/* Let's set opposite speed on each side of the car, so it rotates on spot */
if (targetDegrees > 0)
{ // positive value means we should rotate clockwise
-speed); // left motors spin forward, right motors spin backward
{ // rotate counter clockwise
speed); // left motors spin backward, right motors spin forward
const auto initialHeading = car.getHeading(); // the initial heading we'll use as offset to
// calculate the absolute displacement
int degreesTurnedSoFar
= 0; // this variable will hold the absolute displacement from the beginning of the rotation
while (abs(degreesTurnedSoFar) < abs(targetDegrees))
{ // while absolute displacement hasn't reached the (absolute) target, keep turning
car.update(); // update to integrate the latest heading sensor readings
auto currentHeading = car.getHeading(); // in the scale of 0 to 360
if ((targetDegrees < 0) && (currentHeading > initialHeading))
{ // if we are turning left and the current heading is larger than the
// initial one (e.g. started at 10 degrees and now we are at 350), we need to substract
// 360, so to eventually get a signed
currentHeading -= 360; // displacement from the initial heading (-20)
else if ((targetDegrees > 0) && (currentHeading < initialHeading))
{ // if we are turning right and the heading is smaller than the
// initial one (e.g. started at 350 degrees and now we are at 20), so to get a signed
// displacement (+30)
currentHeading += 360;
= initialHeading - currentHeading; // degrees turned so far is initial heading minus
// current (initial heading
// is at least 0 and at most 360. To handle the "edge" cases we substracted or added 360 to
// currentHeading)
car.setSpeed(0); // we have reached the target, so stop the car
void setup()
rotateOnSpot(90, carSpeed); // rotate clockwise 90 degrees on spot
rotateOnSpot(-90, carSpeed); // rotate counter clockwise 90 degrees on spot
void loop() {}