Smartcar Shield

An example on how to observe the behavior of the PID controller used by cruise control of a DistanceCar, via the Arduino IDE's Serial Plotter feature. The sketch can be used during the cruise control's tuning process.

Print out the current speed as detected by the odometers, as well as the set
point of the pid controller, so to observe its behavior
#include <Smartcar.h>
const unsigned long PRINTOUT_INTERVAL = 100;
unsigned long previousPrintOut = 0;
float carSpeed = 0.5;
ArduinoRuntime arduinoRuntime;
BrushedMotor leftMotor(arduinoRuntime, smartcarlib::pins::v2::leftMotorPins);
BrushedMotor rightMotor(arduinoRuntime, smartcarlib::pins::v2::rightMotorPins);
DifferentialControl control(leftMotor, rightMotor);
const auto pulsesPerMeter = 600;
DirectionlessOdometer leftOdometer{ arduinoRuntime,
[]() { leftOdometer.update(); },
pulsesPerMeter };
DirectionlessOdometer rightOdometer{ arduinoRuntime,
[]() { rightOdometer.update(); },
pulsesPerMeter };
DistanceCar car(arduinoRuntime, control, leftOdometer, rightOdometer);
void setup()
car.enableCruiseControl(2, 0, 4);
void loop()
if (millis() > previousPrintOut + PRINTOUT_INTERVAL)
Serial.print(carSpeed); // print the controllers set point (the speed set to the car,
// i.e. during setup())
Serial.print(","); // print a comma, in order to be easily parsed by the Serial Plotter
// or other program
Serial.println(car.getSpeed()); // get the average speed of the two odometers
previousPrintOut = millis(); // update the previous print out moment